This acupuncturist survived her first Yankee Homecoming!

Well, Yankee Homecoming has officially come to a close. On my drive in to work this morning, the last remnants of the festival were being cleaned up from Market Square. Did you know that this was my first Yankee Homecoming?
Back in May, I heard about Yankee Homecoming for the first time. I learned about the dedicated group of people behind it, and how it ran entirely on volunteers! I was impressed, and decided to join in the fun. I missed the magic of my hometown's unique festivals (Fisherman's Festival, & Windjammer Days), and was excited to meet new people in the community.

I had the pleasure of helping out with the First Annual Kayak & Paddle Board Race, as well as the Brewfest. I got to Newburyport bright and early Saturday morning to prep for the race, wrapped up the successful new event, grabbed lunch, saw a few patients, and then scooted down to the waterfront just in time for second-shift of the Brewfest. What a day! By the time I got to head home I was exhausted, and yet reinvigorated by meeting so many new people, launching a successful new event (involving some of my favorite things, no less!), and observing the beauty of a community collaborating together. Since moving to the Boston area in 2012 I have missed being part of such a community, and am so grateful and happy to have found this missing piece in Newburyport.
Thank you to the founders of this great festival, thank you to Newburyport for hosting, and thank you to the many volunteers that keep this tradition alive!