Yankee Homecoming Kayak Event in Newburyport

Do you love to kayak? Do you have a sense of adventure? Are you interested in supporting the Yankee Homecoming fireworks fund?
Then consider signing up for the First Annual Kayak & Paddle Board Race! This event will take place on Saturday July 30th at 8:30 AM in Cashman Park, Newburyport. Registration is open now!
I am so excited to be involved with this great race. A wonderful group of people are dedicated to putting on a fun, safe event. There will be several divisions to accommodate all sorts of paddlers, including single kayaks, tandems, 65+, and stand up paddle boards. What a great way to get outdoors, have a fun workout, and support your community!
Visit www.yankeehomecoming.com to register, and for more details. Happy paddling!