Community Acupuncture in Amesbury
Our 2018 community acupuncture events at the Sajni Center were such a success that we're offering an additional event every month! ...
New Year's & Change (Part 3 of 3)
Now that my New Year's rant is over, let's chat about some strategies to set yourself up for success when making health-ful lifestyle...

New Year New You, Resolutions, and other January cliches! (Part 2 of 3)
We just survived the holiday season! Often times filled with temptations, indulgences, and foods we're not used to on a regular basis....

New Year's & Fitness (Part 1 of 3)
Happy 2019! With the New Year comes an absolute onslaught of weight loss advertisements. Whether it's for gyms, classes, programs, meal...